p.s. YOU got this!

The other day, I did something entirely unlike me on my Instagram account. I posted a reel in which I spoke directly to the camera and just talked about igniting that spark within that may have been all but put out. Kind of like this blog over the past few years, right?

I attend a local spin studio pretty much every weekday, usually at six in the morning, but for some reason, this message on the mirror jumped out at me on January 3rd. The image in the picture shows the caption, “p.s. YOU got this”. As I walked out of the studio that morning, I thought I would do a quick reel on Instagram, noting how much that statement resonated with me and, for the start of the year, how much it could mean to others. I was nervous to do the recording, and it felt super awkward.

Nature or Nurture? Let Passion And Drive Lead The Way

Yesterday my wife and I flew back from Canada where we had spent two days visiting boarding schools with our son, Ryan. No, we are not looking to send him to boarding school because he has done something wrong as we were actually asked (jokingly) by the immigration officer. Instead, we believe that this investment in our son’s education will better position him for college admission, give him more sporting and academic options, and pay him huge dividends later in life through the networking and independence that the boarding school life provides.

Life is a journey, not a race.

Life is a journey, not a race.

On our way back to Grand Cayman from Ottawa we changed aircraft in Charlotte, NC. My family had some breakfast in a typical airport restaurant. You really never know what you are going to experience in terms of service, and having been up since 3:30 am we probably just wanted to have no-one speak to us.