Ok, that is a bit of a melodramatic headline, but in truth, it’s been four years and a month since I last posted. I’ve been reflecting on a) why this is, b) how I can restart, and c) how to continue with consistency.

The ‘why’ probably has many answers; I may expand on this in a future post.
Mainly, and related to the photo above, I ended up devoting a ton of time over the past two-plus years to the preparation for my year as District Governor of Rotary District 7020 and then, of course, the ‘year’ itself from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024. I started this blog many years ago to work on becoming more consistent at writing, and I found that over the past few years, I was overwhelmed with writing and leadership related to my Rotary journey and had less time to devote to the personal writing that I love. The truth is I could have found the time, but in the moments between travel and being back home, the business and ‘life’ came first.
How do I restart? Well, this is it. I’m hesitant to say that I resolve to do a weekly post going forward as I know if you scroll through the blog, you will see where I have made this commitment before, but I am going to give it my best, and at the end of the day that all we can do in anything, right? I’m restarting as I’ve recently had a spark in me that caused me to reflect on ‘what’s next’, and I realised that my writing was missing and something that I needed to come back to it. Sparks are good things.
How do I continue with consistency? Well, that is the hardest part. I have been here before, laying bare my failing in consistently writing and promising to get back at it, even if no one else reads my posts. And then I’ve stopped. Consistency, I think, is not something I can promise; it is going to be something that I hope to look back on in a few months or after a year and say, damn, I did it. I posted consistently. I’m hoping that happens, and I welcome your feedback and encouragement.
2025 is right around the corner. It is like a blank canvas that you can stare at and be stumped by what to paint as perhaps you don’t know how or what to paint. And what if you mess up? Can you even carry on with the painting? This spark has motivated me to restart, remember the ‘why’ of this personal writing space that I share with you, and strive for consistency, not to promise it. Perhaps we all need a spark from time to time to push ourselves to make the most of our time and to leave nothing undone or unwritten that we intend to get to one day.
Today is that day.